Monday, May 9, 2016

gas laws 4

So far this unit is basic memorizing equations, and plug and chug problems. I am very nervous to be missing the next two days in class for AP testing, but I am optimistic if the next few days are similar to what we have been doing in class I will be okay.

gas laws 3

today we did an airbag lab in class and I was really nervous. we had to make sure we used the correct amount of baking soda and vinegar to fill our bag enough that when she touched it, her fingers would not touch, but not to much or the airbag would explode. I was really nervous I would not pass the lab. Here are some cool lab pictures.

gas laws 2

Here are some helpful links to look at before the gas laws test this friday.

gas laws
memorizing gas laws
which gas law do I use
gas laws made easy
gas laws intro

gas laws 1

I am really enjoying this unit. So far I only need to know a few simple equations to do well in this unit. Here are helpful pictures if all the equations I've learned so far!

Image result for charles law
above is charles law, where you are given your volumes and temperatures to solve.

below is boyles law. It is when you are given pressure and volume.

Image result for boyles law

instead of memorizing these individually, i memorize this large equation and cross out everything i dont use.

Image result for p1v1/n1t1=p2v2/n2t2
Image result for pv=nrt

We also just learned this equation, which at first I was nervous about, but I am realizing it is not to hard.

energy and phase changes 2

This unit went by super quick! here are some helpful links to look at before the test to make sure I dont forget anything!

phase changes
phase changes of water
finding phase changes
including phase changes
specific heat energy phase changes
energy of phase changes

energy and phase changes 1

I actually really enjoyed this unit. It was pretty easy and a great unit to do the week of EOC testing and prom. Here are some really helpful pictures I need to look at before the test.

Image result for energy and phase changes

Image result for energy and phase changes

bio diesel 3

this is a really cool cycle of bio diesel to demonstrate how important it is to our envionrment

this picture was from when we tested different oils in class to see how fast they rolled down a plastic slit. 

this picture was right after mikayla and I made our bio diesel so it has not yet separated itsef and is all the same color.

eventually the bio diesel separated out and what we used looked like this yellow color

Image result for biodiesel