1.It is important to identify a plant or root correctly because failure to do so can be extremely dangerous if it is ingested or applied. Identifying a plant or root correctly could be the difference between life or death
2.It is a good idea to be able to identify a variety of plants/roots from different regions because you don't know when and where you might find yourself or others in an extreme medical emergency. Knowing the medical facts of plants strengthens your odds for living substantially.
3.The time your travel could make a significant difference in the plants you choose. Not all plants bloom year round. It is important to know where plants are at in their life cycle before you try and use them.
4.It would be significant to develop a relationship with the local people as a scientist because you can help them make smart decisions on the plants they are keeping and killing off for their envirornment , and you can help them use their plants as medicines to be the most beneficial.
5. I would trust my knowledge of local flora because i believe it has everything i could possibly need to know in my area for any circumstance i come across.
Genus/Species Name: Chichorium intybus (Aster Family)
Description: Basal leaves, dandelion like, flowers blue or purple (occasionally pink or white)
Habitat: Roadsides in Easter Deciduous Forrest and Tall Grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: roots and leaves
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
Inulin (root fiber) - C6nH10n+2O5n+1
Beta Carotene -C40H56
-Drink 1 ounce of root mixed with a pint of water – typically in form of tea-
-Leaf extracts (weaker than root)-
- Diuretic Laxative (promotes urine and bowel movement)
- Jaundice
- Skin eruptions (Dermatitis)
- Fevers
- Lowers blood sugar
- Slightly sedative (weakens pulse)
- Can treat loss of appetite
- blisters and rope burn as tea applied externally
- Anti-inflammatory (for sprained ankles and wrists) as a poultice of boiled leaves and flowers, a leaf paste, or a tonic
- Antibacterial
- Antioxidant
- Liver protectant
- Significant wound healing activity
- Poison ivy and sunburn as sap from the stem
Queen Anne’s Lace:
Genus/Species Name: Daucus carota (Parsley Family)
Description: (wild carrot) bristly stemmed biennial, leaves finely dissected, flowers in flat cluster, with 1 small deep purple floret at center
Habitat: wastelands or roadsides in Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall Grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: roots and seeds
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
Glutamine- C5H10N203
-Made into a tea-
- Nerve tonic (stress relief)
- Diarrhea/Indigestion
WARNING: be sure not to confuse this with one of the poisonous members of the Parsley Family such as Poison Hemlock
Partridge Pea:
Genus/Species Name: Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx.) (Pea Family)
Description: yellow flowers reddish at base, leaflets 6-15 pairs (fold when touched)
Habitat: sandy soil, MA, NY to FL; TX to SD, MN; MO to OH, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: roots and leaves
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
-Made into a tonic-
- Keep one from tiring, alert
-Moisten, bruised leaves-
- Treat topical sores/ blisters
- Astringent (disinfect), (clot smaller cuts)
-Leaves made into a tea-
- Keep one from fainting
-Syrup (boiled plant with water) with added honey for improving thickness and flavor-
- Treats stomachaches and nausea
- Soothe sore throat
Black-Eyed Susan:
Genus/Species Name: Rudbeckia hirta (Aster Family)
Description: yellow oblong flowers, bristly-hairy, daisy like, deep brown center
Habitat: fields, roadsides, wastelands, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: roots
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
Sesquiterpene lactones-C22H30O7
-Made into a root tea for external use-
- Wash for sores
- Wash to clean snakebite then create poultice to draw out venom
- Reduce swelling
- Root juice for earaches
-Root infusion in form of tea-
- To treat colds
Blue Vervain:
Genus/Species Name: Verbena hastata (Vervain Family)
Description: grows 2-5 feet tall, hairy square stems (green or red), purple-blueish flowers grow on stem
Habitat: fields, roadsides, wastelands, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie, prefers moist conditions
Part(s) Used: roots and leaves
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
-Made into tea root and leave extracts-
- Treats depression
- Helps with coughs/sore throat
- Reduces fever
- Treats headache
- General pain relief
-Applied externally as a thin ointment-
- Help blood clot and helps cuts close
Black Cherry Tree:
Genus/Species Name: Prunus serotine (Rose Family)
Description: berry like fruits (black when ripe), grow up to 38m tall, leafy twigs with numerous flowers
Habitat: fields, side of the road, wastelands, Eastern Deciduous Forrest
Part(s) Used: fruit and bark
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
-Fruit and bark juice-
- Diarrhea
- Cough/cold
- Helps with weak stomach
- Strengthens immune system
- Soothes sore throat
Purple Coneflower:
Genus/Species Name: Echinacea angustifolia (Aster Family)
Description: leaves lance shaped, stiff-hairy, cone shaped disk, purple spreading ray like flowers
Habitat: open woods, prairies, thickets, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: entire plant
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
Dodecatetraenoic acid isobutylamides-C16H25NO
-Root/leaves chewed or in tea-
- Heals snakebites and spider bites
- Tick bite
- Helps relieve toothaches
- Cures cold and flu symptoms
- Treats all types of burns
- Closes wounds
- Helps throat infections
- Helps blood to circulate, cures gangrene (Frostbite)
- Cure for malaria
- Internal bacterial and fungal infections
- General pain relief
-Extracts used topically-
- On wounds to clot blood
- Small blisters or sores
- Cleans out cuts and wounds
- Helps with degradation of skin from sunlight (sunburn)
- Topical cream for bacterial and fungal infections externally
Genus/Species Name: Phlox paniculata
Description: purple, blue, pink, red, or white flowers, fragrant flowers
Habitat: fields, side of the road, wastelands, diverse- can live virtually anywhere, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: entire plant
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
D-Galacturonic acid
-Made into a tea-
- Diarrhea (entire plant tea)
- Blood purifier (leaf tea)
- Helps with weak stomach (entire plant tea)
Swamp Milkweed:
Genus/Species Name: Asclepias incarnate (Milkweed Family)
Description: strongly branched, numerous leaves, flowers clustered
Habitat: wet grassy prairies, green forests, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: root
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
-Made into a tea-
- Large dose = laxative ( helps constipation)
- Emetic (cause vomit)
Common Milkweed:
Genus/Species Name: Asclepias syriaca (Milkweed Family)
Description: pink and purple flowers in drooping globe shaped clusters
Habitat: fields, roadsides, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: root and latex
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
- Can be drank to cleanse body
- Laxative and diuretic
- Fresh latex applied to reduce pain from sunburn
False Dandelion (Flatweed):
Genus/Species Name: Hypochaeris radicata (Asteraceae Family)
Description: wild weed, yellow pom pom like flower, looks like dandelion
Habitat: fields, side of the road, wastelands, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: leaves
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
Magnesium Citrate
-Leaves smashed into oil or juice-
- Constipation
- Helps with inflammation
- Helps with weak stomach
Genus/Species Name: Vernonia glauca (Aster Family)
Description: grows 2-5 feet tall, seed crowns are yellowish, purple flowers grow on stem
Habitat: thickets, meadows, marshes, plains, and forests, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie, prefers moist conditions
Part(s) Used: roots and leaves
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
Linoleic acid-C18H32O2
-Root taken in the form of powder-
- Stimulates appetite
- Promotes digestion
-Rub on medication-
- Dermatitis
-Made into a tonic-
- Blood tonic (helps produce blood)
-Decoction made from root-
- Cures fever and chills
-Chewing the root-
- Cures toothache
- Helps swelling
-Tea made from the leaves-
- Soothes sore throat
Cardinal Flower:
Genus/Species Name: Lobelia cardinalis (Bellflower Family)
Description: vibrant red flower, oval shaped leaves
Habitat: forest, meadows, prairies, prefers moist soil, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: leaves and roots
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
-Root tea-
- Soothes stomach after eating something unsettling (food poisoning)
- (externally) helps hard to heal sores
-Leaf tea-
- Cures fevers
- Colds
White Oak:
Genus/species :pinus strobus
eastern deciduous forest, tall grass prairie
habitat:forest areas
uses : stitch wounds, stabilize broken bones, bark used as cast and stitching for large wounds.
active chemical ingredient: Chrysin
English Plantain:
Genus/Species: Plantago lacelota
Eastern Deciduous Forest, Tall Grass Prairie
Habitat: backyards, along tracks, meadows, roadsides, agricultural lands, and dooryards
- frostbite
(fresh leaves applied externally)
- (bleeding suppressant)
decoction of dried leaves
- antibacterial
(leaf and seed extracts)
- diarrhea, fever, and coughs
(decoction of the roots)
- rattlesnake bite
- draws out infection, thorns, splinters, venom, and inflammation
(hot-leaf poultice)
- burns, dermatitis, blisters, insect bites
(crushed fresh leaves, poultice, or cream)
Active Chemical Ingredient(s):
Sweet Red Clover:
Genus/Species Name: Trifolium pretense (Fabaceace Family)
Description: dark pink flowers with paler base, grow 20-80cm tall
Habitat: fields, roadsides, wastelands, Eastern Deciduous Forrest and Tall grass Prairie
Part(s) Used: flowers
Active Chemical(s) Ingredients:
-Made into an herbal tea-
- Anti-dermatosis agent
- Deobstruent
- Anti-inflammatory
- Sedative
Eastern deciduous forest:
Purple coneflower
Partridge pea (nausea)
Blue vervain(headache and fever)
Ironweed(fever and chills)
Purple coneflower
Blue vervain (pain relief)
English plantain
Tick Bite
Purple coneflower
Chicory (if fever)
Partridge pea (disinfect)
Black-eyed susan (disinfect)
English plantain
Sore throat
Purple coneflower
Partridge pea
Blue vervain
Black cherry tree
Common milkweed
Swamp milkweed
Queen annes lace
Black cherry (eastern decidous only)
English plantain
Food Poisoning
Cardinal flower
Swamp milkweed
Sprained ankle/wrist
Chicory (anti inflammatory)
Black eyed susan (reduce swelling)
Blue vervain ( pain relief)
Purple coneflower (pain relief)
Sweet red clover (swelling)
English plantain
Knife cut
Chicory(antibacterial and wound healing)
Partridge pea (disinfect clot and keep alert)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower (cleans, pain relief, blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(replace lost blood)
Cardinal flower
White pine (eastern decidous only)
English plantain
Axe wound
Chicory(antibacterial and wound healing)
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Partridge pea (disinfect and keep alert)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans,pain relief, blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(replace blood lost)
White pine (eastern deciduous forest only)
English plantain(suppresses bleeding)
Snake bite
Black –eyes susan (disinfect and draw venom)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower(clean, pain relief and draws venom)
English plantain
Sweet red clover
English plantain
Rope burn
Partridge pea
Blue vervain(pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Cardinal flower
English plantain
Poison ivy
Sweet red clover(relief and rash reduction)
English plantain
Partridge pea
Blue vervain(pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Cardinal flower
English plantain
Fungus infection
English plantain
Purple coneflower
Bear attack
Chicory(antibacterial and wound healing)
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Partridge pea(keeps alert and disinfect)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans, pain relief, blood clot, and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(swelling, and replaces blood lose)
White pine (eastern deciduous only)
English plantain (blood clotting)
Deep puncture wound
Queen annes lace(stress relief)
Partridge pea (disinfect,clot and keep alert)
Blue vervain (pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans, pain relief, and blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed (replace lost blood)
Cardinal flower
White pine (eastern deciduous only)
English plantain(blood clotting)
Burns from oil
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
English plantain
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Flea bites
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Blue vervain(pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Common milkweed
English plantain
Gunshot wound
Chicory(disinfect and wound healing)
Queen annes lace(stress relief)
Partridge pea(disinfect,clot)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans, pain relief, blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(replaces lost blood)
White pine(eastern deciduous forest only)
English plantain
Broken bone
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Black eyes susan (reduces swollen)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower(pain relief)
White pine (eastern deciduous only)(cast)
Burns from fire
Queen annes lace(stress relief)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
English plantain
Tall grass prairie:
Purple coneflower
Partridge pea (nausea)
Blue vervain(headache and fever)
Ironweed(fever and chills)
Purple coneflower
Blue vervain (pain relief)
English plantain
Tick Bite
Purple coneflower
Chicory (if fever)
Partridge pea (disinfect)
Black-eyed susan (disinfect)
English plantain
Sore throat
Purple coneflower
Partridge pea
Blue vervain
Black cherry tree
Common milkweed
Swamp milkweed
Queen annes lace
Black cherry (eastern decidous only)
English plantain
Food Poisoning
Cardinal flower
Swamp milkweed
Sprained ankle/wrist
Chicory (anti inflammatory)
Black eyed susan (reduce swelling)
Blue vervain ( pain relief)
Purple coneflower (pain relief)
Sweet red clover (swelling)
English plantain
Knife cut
Chicory(antibacterial and wound healing)
Partridge pea (disinfect clot and keep alert)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower (cleans, pain relief, blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(replace lost blood)
Cardinal flower
White pine (eastern decidous only)
English plantain
Axe wound
Chicory(antibacterial and wound healing)
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Partridge pea (disinfect and keep alert)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans,pain relief, blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(replace blood lost)
White pine (eastern deciduous forest only)
English plantain(suppresses bleeding)
Snake bite
Black –eyes susan (disinfect and draw venom)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower(clean, pain relief and draws venom)
English plantain
Sweet red clover
English plantain
Rope burn
Partridge pea
Blue vervain(pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Cardinal flower
English plantain
Poison ivy
Sweet red clover(relief and rash reduction)
English plantain
Partridge pea
Blue vervain(pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Cardinal flower
English plantain
Fungus infection
English plantain
Purple coneflower
Bear attack
Chicory(antibacterial and wound healing)
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Partridge pea(keeps alert and disinfect)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans, pain relief, blood clot, and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(swelling, and replaces blood lose)
White pine (eastern deciduous only)
English plantain (blood clotting)
Deep puncture wound
Queen annes lace(stress relief)
Partridge pea (disinfect,clot and keep alert)
Blue vervain (pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans, pain relief, and blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed (replace lost blood)
Cardinal flower
White pine (eastern deciduous only)
English plantain(blood clotting)
Burns from oil
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
English plantain
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Flea bites
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Blue vervain(pain relief)
Purple coneflower
Common milkweed
English plantain
Gunshot wound
Chicory(disinfect and wound healing)
Queen annes lace(stress relief)
Partridge pea(disinfect,clot)
Blue vervain(pain relief and blood clot)
Purple coneflower(cleans, pain relief, blood clot and
closes wounds)
Ironweed(replaces lost blood)
White pine(eastern deciduous forest only)
English plantain
Broken bone
Queen annes lace (stress relief)
Black eyes susan (reduces swollen)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower(pain relief)
White pine (eastern deciduous only)(cast)
Burns from fire
Queen annes lace(stress relief)
Blue vervain (pain relief)
Purple coneflower
English plantain
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